Download (mbps) |
Upload (mbps) |
Data Cap | Connection Type |
Install Time (days) |
Consent | Contract (months) |
Broadband Monthly Fee |
Rural Wireless 100 | 100 | 20 | - | Wireless | < 3 | None | 1, 12 or 24 | $69 |
City Wireless 50 | 50 | 10 | - | Wireless | < 3 | None | 1, 12 or 24 | $49 |
City Wireless 100 | 100 | 20 | - | Wireless | < 3 | None | 1, 12 or 24 | $59 |
City Wireless 200 | 200 | 20 | - | Wireless | < 3 | None | 1, 12 or 24 | $89 |
UFB Fibre 100 | 100 | 20 | - | Fibre Optic | 14 to 90 | Varies | 12 or 24 | $79 |
UFB Fibre 200 | 200 | 20 | - | Fibre Optic | 14 to 90 | Varies | 12 or 24 | $99 |
UFB Fibre 1000 | 1,000 | 500 | - | Fibre Optic | 14 to 90 | Varies | 12 or 24 | $119 |
Ultra fast broadband speeds of up to 200mbps down and 20mbps up.
Wireless broadband doesn't rely on your phone line or any 3rd party services.
With wireless we don't do any construction in shared areas or across shared access ways.
Unlimited data usage options so you don't have to worry about usage bills or limitations.
On all our wireless products we can get you installed within 3 working days, often sooner.
On all our wireless products one of our engineers will come to your home to set it all up.
We are the ISP and network provider which means we own any faults end-to-end with no 3rd party.
Everything we do is based in New Zealand so any contact you have with us is local.