Download (mbps) |
Upload (mbps) |
Data Cap | Connection Type |
Install Time (days) |
Consent Requirements |
Contract (months) |
Broadband Monthly Fee |
AirFibre Lite | 50 | 50 | 500GB | Wireless | 3 days | None | 1, 12 or 24 | $79 |
AirFibre 25 | 25 | 25 | - | Wireless | 3 days | None | 1, 12 or 24 | $89 |
AirFibre 50 | 50 | 50 | - | Wireless | 3 days | None | 1, 12 or 24 | $99 |
AirFibre 100 | 100 | 100 | - | Wireless | 3 days | None | 1, 12 or 24 | $129 |
UFB Fibre Lite | 100 | 100 | 500GB | Fibre Optic | Upto 60 days | Varies | 12 or 24 | $89 |
UFB Fibre 100 | 100 | 100 | - | Fibre Optic | Upto 60 days | Varies | 12 or 24 | $99 |
UFB Fibre 200 | 200 | 200 | - | Fibre Optic | Upto 60 days | Varies | 12 or 24 | $149 |
Ultra fast broadband speeds of up to 100mbps down and 100mbps up.
AirFibre broadband is available to both rural and urban businesses. No fibre required.
We don't do any construction or any work in shared areas or across shared access ways.
Unlimited data usage options so you don't have to worry about usage bills or limitations.
On all our AirFibre products we can get you installed within 3 working days, often sooner.
Our business products include a site visit from an engineer to configure and test the service.
We provide you with a high-speed router to make the most of your high-speed internet.
Everything we do is based in New Zealand so any contact you have with us is local.
All our business products have the same download and upload speeds.
Add high-availability to your internet connection with diverse connection options.
Business technical support is SLA driven with higher resolution commitments.
Business broadband prices exclude GST